49/52: Wolf-Man Amadeus Mozart
Originally uploaded by pong0814
One of the nicest LEGO puns I've seen.
One of the nicest LEGO puns I've seen.
The gold foil on the pile works really well.
Oh yeah, it's a nice dragon too. Brilliant indeed.
tech·nique [tek-neek]
1. the manner and ability with which an artist, writer, dancer, athlete, or the like employs the technical skills of a particular art or field of endeavor.
2. the body of specialized procedures and methods used in any specific field, especially in an area of applied science.
3. method of performance; way of accomplishing.
4. technical skill; ability to apply procedures or methods so as to effect a desired result.
5. Informal . method of projecting personal charm, appeal, etc.: He has the greatest technique with customers.
1810–20; < French: technical (adj.), technic (noun) < Greek technikós, techniká; see technic
I think this perfectly falls into the definition of technique. A method of building. Certainly it fall more into the definition than a simple connection; all too often LEGO builders (especially the types whom soley try to impress others) call the odd little connections that happen within a LEGO build, techniques. Certainly they can be such but Avalon, pictured here, shows an entire method of building with this technique.
It's well executed. It's attracive colours. It employs a nice shape. It's a novelty. Take heart Spacers and Train-heads, connectionless isn't about to usurp SNOT building.
Nice 'build' Seircon and Coral! Bravo, I enjoyed look at this probably as much as you had fun building it.