Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Steak! It's what's for Flickr

Steak! It's what's for Flickr
Originally uploaded by Trevor Van Aalst

Just a picture I took for fun. We remember what 'for fun' means don't we?

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Stage 1: Preparation

Stage 1: Preparation, originally uploaded by Robin Hood.

Part one of a three part entry to the 2009 Collosal Castle Contest at, Dan Joosten has absolutely recreated the technic snowmobile treads. Who's a thunk to use the damn things as a bridge? I don't have any of this part but I may have never come up with this if I had some anyways. I wonder how long of a bridge can be done?

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Mmm, LEGO castle has taken a turn this year. What you see here is a preliminary image of set #7946, the large flagship set for the castle range in 2010. Usually, when prelims are leaked from The LEGO Group, fans and collectors have a negative reaction to them. Often there is no justification for these negative comments as the pictures are often small, blurry and half covered by the TLG watermark. Not to mention that a preliminary design often contains certain elements that are 'stand-ins' and will not be found in the final design. The minifigures are sometimes not the final design either and sometimes use pieces found in other themes or even a liberal use of stickers to convey what the final design will look like. Stickering of figs never fails to spark huge arguments regarding whether or not TLG is (OMFG) going to start using stickers on all their figs and will ultimately go out of business because of it.

The images have been online for a couple of days now and only a few fan sites are comfortable discussing what they're seeing but insofar, the 2010 castle line up is getting pretty not bad reviews. Surprisingly.

My opinion is: I'm excited. There is less of a fantasy element to the theme, not that I don't like fantasy, I just prefer a more realistic element. The new line up harkens back to a day of my childhood where I used to play with my Star Wars action figures, Transformers and my LEGO castle sets.

Yet another LEGO blog for nobody to read...

Welcome. I have another blog which I post my peeves and thoughts occaisionally but seeing as my LEGO hobby takes so much of my life, I thought I'd just go ahead and separate the two: "real life" and "hobby". I have recently been labled as an angry LEGO nerd so I decided to call my LEGO blog by that name. As you read, you'll probably understand. This is likely a place for me to not only post about LEGO but also to vent about other LEGO enthusiasts. Someplace I can let them know what I think without breaking the TOS of whichever forum they haunt.

LET THE BASHING BEGIN! Kitbashing that is.